Hi @swenp,
ja das ist so gewollt bzw. hat folgenden Hintergrund
Ein kleiner Auszug aus der Beschreibung der verwendeten Software Library
The overall brightness of all the LEDs can be adjusted using setBrightness(). This takes a single argument, a number in the range 0 (off) to 255 (max brightness). For example, to set a strip to 1/4 brightness:
- strip.setBrightness(64);
Just like setPixel(), this does not have an immediate effect. You need to follow this with a call to show().
setBrightness() was intended to be called once, in setup(), to limit the current/brightness of the LEDs throughout the life of the sketch. It is not intended as an animation effect itself! The operation of this function is “lossy” — it modifies the current pixel data in RAM, not in the show() call — in order to meet NeoPixels’ strict timing requirements. Certain animation effects are better served by leaving the brightness setting at the default maximum, modulating pixel brightness in your own sketch logic and redrawing the full strip with setPixel().
Die alternative wäre einen Block zu erstellen der ins Setup() kommt und dort werden alle Parameter für die RGB-Led(s) festgelegt.
Beste Grüße