Well, not the noise, because still need to replace the sensor. BUT now changed the .INO file so only every 10 loops the SDS011 is switched on for about 30 seconds.
- add following just before the „void loop()“ section:
// ---- SDS011 changes ----
static bool sdsIsOn = true;
uint8_t loopCount = 0;
uint8_t maxloopCount = 9;
// ---- SDS011 changes ----
- Add following just after the line „void loop()“
// SDS011 measurement loop.
// Only enable every 10th measurement
if (loopCount < maxloopCount) {
// Increase loopCount by one
else {
// Reset loopCount and take measurement
loopCount = 0;
sdsIsOn = true;
DEBUG("Reset SDS loopCount and wakeup");
DEBUG("delay start");
DEBUG("delay done");
// End of SDS011 measurement loop.
- then alter the „//------PM-----//“ section to look like this:
if (sdsIsOn)
DEBUG("Now in SDS011 Main measure loop");
uint8_t attempt = 0;
float pm10, pm25;
while (attempt < 5)
bool error =, &pm10);
if (!error)
addMeasurement(PM10SENSOR_ID, pm10);
addMeasurement(PM25SENSOR_ID, pm25);
DEBUG("sleep SDS011 for a number of loops defined in maxloopCount");
SDS.sleep(); //put SDS011 into sleep mode, stopping fan as well
sdsIsOn = false; //define the status so next time no measurement is taken
- Then the applicable SDS011-select-serial.cpp file needs to be changed to make sure SDS.wakeup() actually works.
- This needs to be added:
static const byte WAKECMD[19] = {
0xAA, // head
0xB4, // command id
0x06, // data byte 1
0x01, // data byte 2 (set mode)
0x01, // data byte 3 (wake up)
0x00, // data byte 4
0x00, // data byte 5
0x00, // data byte 6
0x00, // data byte 7
0x00, // data byte 8
0x00, // data byte 9
0x00, // data byte 10
0x00, // data byte 11
0x00, // data byte 12
0x00, // data byte 13
0xFF, // data byte 14 (device id byte 1)
0xFF, // data byte 15 (device id byte 2)
0x06, // checksum
0xAB // tail
- And this needs to replace the wakeup section that is there:
// --------------------------------------------------------
// SDS011:wakeup
// --------------------------------------------------------
void SDS011::wakeup() {
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 19; i++) {
while (sds_data.available() > 0) {;
Thanks @wschoch for giving the valuable hints into the right direction.
I also created an „issue“ in the Gidhub repository for OpenSenseMap repository (#426)