Thx for the suggestion.
I reverted back to the 2.4.2 version, and checked if there are any beta versions in the libraries.
I also set DEBUG to 1, and am now getting a different output on the Serial Monitor:
14:13:11.889 ->
14:13:11.889 -> HackAIR v2 sensor
14:13:11.889 -> Debug mode on, not sending data to hackAIR
14:13:11.974 -> Ready
14:13:11.974 -> IP address:
14:13:11.974 -> mounted file system
14:13:12.011 -> reading config file
14:13:12.058 -> opened config file
14:13:12.058 -> {
14:13:12.058 -> "hackair_api_token": "XXXXXX",
14:13:12.157 -> "sensebox_id": "XXXXXX",
14:13:12.157 -> "osem_token": "XXXXXX"
14:13:12.274 -> }
14:13:12.274 -> parsed json
14:13:12.274 -> XXXXXX
14:13:12.361 -> XXXXXX
14:13:14.270 -> *WM: Adding parameter
14:13:14.270 -> *WM: hackair_api_token
14:13:14.303 -> *WM: Adding parameter
14:13:14.338 -> *WM: sensebox_id
14:13:14.338 -> *WM: Adding parameter
14:13:14.338 -> *WM: osem_token
14:13:14.372 -> *WM:
14:13:14.372 -> *WM: AutoConnect
14:13:14.372 -> *WM: Connecting as wifi client...
14:13:14.406 -> *WM: Already connected. Bailing out.
14:13:14.474 -> *WM: IP Address:
14:13:14.474 -> *WM:
14:13:14.507 -> Network connected
14:13:14.507 -> Local IP address:
14:13:14.541 -> Gateway:
14:13:14.575 ->*WM: freeing allocated params!
14:13:14.608 -> Measuring...
14:14:14.615 -> DEBUG
14:14:14.615 -> 1
14:14:14.615 -> hackair API token: XXXXXX
14:14:14.682 -> Chip ID: 1555618
14:14:14.682 -> Temperature: nan
14:14:14.716 -> Humidity: nan
14:14:14.716 -> {"reading":{"PM2.5_AirPollutantValue":"nan","PM10_AirPollutantValue":"nan"},"battery":"5.97","tamper":"0","error":"6"}
14:18:06.799 -> Measuring...
14:19:06.891 -> DEBUG
14:19:06.891 -> 1
14:19:06.891 -> hackair API token: XXXXXX
14:19:06.991 -> Chip ID: 1555618
14:19:06.991 -> Temperature: nan
14:19:06.991 -> Humidity: nan
14:19:06.991 -> {"reading":{"PM2.5_AirPollutantValue":"nan","PM10_AirPollutantValue":"nan"},"battery":"6.00","tamper":"0","error":"6"}
Any idea what this ERROR 6 means?
I suspect that it has to do with communication since I get the exact same Serial Monitor output when I boot the Wemos with DHT shield and SDS011 disconected.