HackAir sensor not working

I have bought a HackAir home v2 sensor but I can not seem to make it work.

I have tried contacting HackAir itself but they are not responding and I am left without any support.

I live in Tuzla (Bosnia-Herzegovina) which has some of the highest air pollutant levels, but very few measuring stations, and am therefore very eager to start measuring and shining light on the air pollution problem.

The sensor I have bought consists of:

  • Wemos D1 mini

  • DHT22 shield

  • Nova PM SDS011

I have accounts on HackAir and OpenSenseMap platforms and the sensor is supposed to be able to send data to both.

I have flashed it with the newest HackAir software:

When I power it up with Serial Monitor window open, I can see that it is not measuring anything (although the fan on the SDS011 is spinning).

Is there anyone willing to help me make my sensor work?


I also have an hackair system and for as much I saw, they closed down operations just a week after I got it. About 2 months ago. You could try their Facebook page. Maybe they still read there.

I guess you followed this tuto to configure the little system ?
I had also a little problem at first install and just restarted all and double/triple checked the libraries to load. I loaded them and then relaunched the arduino app and looked if there were updates.

Especially this needs attention

* ArduinoJson by Benoit Blanchon (Attention! **_Use version 5.13.2, not version 6_**)

just start again, and also see that all the links between the modules are correct and well fixed

you also could try to send a mail to them: info@hackair.eu

Thanks for your input @bidouilleur1

I just went through the tutorial step by step and redid everything from the begining.

Sadlly it made no difference :frowning:

This is the oputput on the Serial Monitor (I x-out the tokens):

08:04:48.304 -> HackAIR v2 sensor
08:04:48.304 -> Ready
08:04:48.304 -> IP address:
08:04:48.351 -> mounted file system
08:04:48.351 -> reading config file
08:04:48.351 -> opened config file
08:04:48.405 -> {
08:04:48.405 ->   "hackair_api_token": "xxxxxx",
08:04:48.452 ->   "sensebox_id": "xxxxxx",
08:04:48.505 ->   "osem_token": "xxxxxx"
08:04:48.589 -> }
08:04:48.589 -> parsed json
08:04:48.637 -> xxxxxx
08:04:48.683 -> xxxxxx
08:04:50.586 -> *WM: Adding parameter
08:04:50.586 -> *WM: hackair_api_token
08:04:50.620 -> *WM: Adding parameter
08:04:50.653 -> *WM: sensebox_id
08:04:50.653 -> *WM: Adding parameter
08:04:50.686 -> *WM: osem_token
08:04:50.720 -> *WM: 
08:04:50.720 -> *WM: AutoConnect
08:04:50.720 -> *WM: Connecting as wifi client...
08:04:50.753 -> *WM: Already connected. Bailing out.
08:04:50.820 -> *WM: IP Address:
08:04:50.820 -> *WM:
08:04:50.853 -> Network connected
08:04:50.853 -> Local IP address: 
08:04:50.886 -> Gateway: 
08:04:50.929 ->*WM: freeing allocated params!
08:04:50.976 -> Measuring...
08:05:50.976 -> Sending data to hackAIR platform...
08:05:51.111 -> Unable to send data to hackAIR platform
08:05:51.146 -> 
08:05:52.125 -> Sending data to openSenseMap platform...
08:05:52.163 -> 5c1a35a9919bf8001a37e4ff
08:05:52.198 -> OSEM:
08:05:52.198 -> 
08:05:52.198 -> xxxxxx
08:05:52.233 -> 
08:05:52.233 -> END
08:05:52.233 ->

Hi @tarslana,

I am trying to get the hackair hardware setup and will giv it a try on the weekend.


when you loaded the boards, the esp8266 has 2 beta versions,(2.5.x) think I had a problem with those version. I reverted back to version 2.4.2.

If you used beta versions in the library, revert to earlier version and test again. Can’t be sure but I think this was my problem.

Also in the sketch, set debug to 1 so it won’t try to send to hackair servers.

Thanks. Please let me know how it goes.

Thx for the suggestion.

I reverted back to the 2.4.2 version, and checked if there are any beta versions in the libraries.

I also set DEBUG to 1, and am now getting a different output on the Serial Monitor:

14:13:11.889 -> 
14:13:11.889 -> HackAIR v2 sensor
14:13:11.889 -> Debug mode on, not sending data to hackAIR
14:13:11.974 -> Ready
14:13:11.974 -> IP address:
14:13:11.974 -> mounted file system
14:13:12.011 -> reading config file
14:13:12.058 -> opened config file
14:13:12.058 -> {
14:13:12.058 ->   "hackair_api_token": "XXXXXX",
14:13:12.157 ->   "sensebox_id": "XXXXXX",
14:13:12.157 ->   "osem_token": "XXXXXX"
14:13:12.274 -> }
14:13:12.274 -> parsed json
14:13:12.274 -> XXXXXX
14:13:12.361 -> XXXXXX
14:13:14.270 -> *WM: Adding parameter
14:13:14.270 -> *WM: hackair_api_token
14:13:14.303 -> *WM: Adding parameter
14:13:14.338 -> *WM: sensebox_id
14:13:14.338 -> *WM: Adding parameter
14:13:14.338 -> *WM: osem_token
14:13:14.372 -> *WM: 
14:13:14.372 -> *WM: AutoConnect
14:13:14.372 -> *WM: Connecting as wifi client...
14:13:14.406 -> *WM: Already connected. Bailing out.
14:13:14.474 -> *WM: IP Address:
14:13:14.474 -> *WM:
14:13:14.507 -> Network connected
14:13:14.507 -> Local IP address: 
14:13:14.541 -> Gateway: 
14:13:14.575 ->*WM: freeing allocated params!
14:13:14.608 -> Measuring...
14:14:14.615 -> DEBUG
14:14:14.615 -> 1
14:14:14.615 -> hackair API token: XXXXXX
14:14:14.682 -> Chip ID: 1555618
14:14:14.682 -> Temperature: nan
14:14:14.716 -> Humidity: nan
14:14:14.716 -> {"reading":{"PM2.5_AirPollutantValue":"nan","PM10_AirPollutantValue":"nan"},"battery":"5.97","tamper":"0","error":"6"}
14:18:06.799 -> Measuring...
14:19:06.891 -> DEBUG
14:19:06.891 -> 1
14:19:06.891 -> hackair API token: XXXXXX
14:19:06.991 -> Chip ID: 1555618
14:19:06.991 -> Temperature: nan
14:19:06.991 -> Humidity: nan
14:19:06.991 -> {"reading":{"PM2.5_AirPollutantValue":"nan","PM10_AirPollutantValue":"nan"},"battery":"6.00","tamper":"0","error":"6"}

Any idea what this ERROR 6 means?

I suspect that it has to do with communication since I get the exact same Serial Monitor output when I boot the Wemos with DHT shield and SDS011 disconected. :frowning:

I gave up on the HackAir and Wemos setup.
I bought a NodeMCU, uploaded Luftdaten software on it and used the parts from the HackAir to make a Luftdaten setup.

It is working prefectly from the start. I am finally measuring and uploading to luftdaten and opensense.

Thx everyone for your help.

UPDATED the housing later on as well: